Call to the National Anticorruption Hotline: Two police officers of the National Public Security Inspectorate were denounced by a driver from whom they allegedly demanded a bribe
19.12.2022 355 Views  

Two employees of the National Public Security Inspectorate (NPSI) are under criminal investigation for passive corruption, after they were reported on Sunday, December 18, by a driver to the National Anticorruption Hotline of the NAC. According to the whistleblower, the law enforcement officers would have claimed from him 100 euros and 1160 lei not to document him for alleged violations of the Road Traffic Regulations.

Following the complaint filed, the NAC officers and anti-corruption prosecutors initiated a criminal investigation under art. 324 – passive corruption and identified the NPSI employees. 

Currently, the policemen are being investigated while at large, and the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office is conducting the criminal investigation. 

We remind that every person who has been charged shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.


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