Criminal investigation officer of the Chisinau Police Department, detained red-handed. He would have demanded money to intervene in a case started on illegal drug trafficking
26.12.2022 201 Views  

A criminal investigation officer from the Chisinau Police Department was detained red-handed by the employees of the General Territorial Directorate North of the NAC and the anti-corruption prosecutors in an influence peddling case. The policeman is suspected of having claimed and received 300 euros from a person to help him get rid of the criminal case.

According to the whistleblower, the officer would have claimed that he had influence over the prosecutor leading the criminal investigation in a case, based on the procurement and storage of narcotic substances, and that he could induce him to assign him the procedural status of a witness in this case.

Today, the Chisinau PD employee was caught when he was receiving the sum of 300 euros and is to be placed in the NAC Detention Center for 72 hours.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office is conducting the criminal investigation.

We remind that every person who has been charged shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.

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