Anti-corruption training, organized by the NAC, at the State Inspectorate for the Supervision of Non-Food Products and Consumer Protection
16.01.2023 312 Views  

The officials of the State Inspectorate for the Supervision of Non-Food Products and Consumer Protection (SISNFCP) participated in a training course, presented by the National Anticorruption Center (NAC), with the theme: "Measures to Ensure Institutional Integrity", "Knowledge of Anti-Corruption Measures by Agents Public", "Disclosure of Illegal Practices", "Undue Influence", regarding the integrity law no. 82/2017, the National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy for the year 2017-2023, approved by H.P. RM no. 56/2017, Law on the evaluation of institutional integrity no. 325/2013, Law on whistleblowers no. 122/2018, etc.

During the seminar, the general considerations regarding the integrity of the civil servant were analyzed and discussed. Several aspects of this side were discussed, such as: the legal regime of the conflict of interests; the legal regime of gifts, the legal regime of non-admission, denunciation and treatment; undue influences; the legal regime of non-admission, denunciation of corruption manifestations and protection of integrity whistleblowers, etc.

The training was organized to familiarize the inspectors with the notions of "integrity warning" and "integrity whistleblower", and how to prevent/denounce manifestations of corruption. The training ended with a series of questions and answers where the inspectors addressed urgent and current topics in the field of activity, under the aspect of the good functioning of the SISNFCP.

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