Synthesis of the NAC: assets worth about 2 million lei were seized, last week, by the CARA
30.01.2023 790 Views  

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC applied seizures, worth almost 2 million lei, this week. These include 5 agriculture lands, a construction land, a dwelling and a non-residential construction.

Also, the General Directorate on Operative Support carried out 6 judicial expertises, 3 graphoscopic and 3 IT, 58 expertises are in the process. The NAC prosecution officers have in procedure 342 criminal cases.

The Legislation and Anticorruption Expertise Directorate drew up 12 expert reports and 21 opinions. At the moment, we are working on 37 materials, received from the authorities.

The Analytical Directorate has carried out 5 operational analyses and initiated 5 new, another 60 studies are in the process. The representative of the Legal Service of the NAC participated in 11 court hearings, and the Professional Integrity Testing Directorate issued 122 integrity records.

The National Anti-Corruption Line received 58 calls. 16 individuals are in penitentiaries, arrested in NAC cases.

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