The National Anticorruption Center and the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine are to sign Memorandum of Understanding on cases of combating grand corruption
21.02.2023 166 Views  

Memorandum of Understanding is to be signed between the National Anticorruption Center (NAC) and the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine (SBI), a document that will ensure effective cooperation between the institutions in the field of preventing and combating cases of grand corruption. The NAC director, Iulian Rusu, has discussed it with the head of the SBI from Kyiv, Oleksii Sukhachov, today. 

Thus, in the next period, the representatives of the NAC and the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine will agree on the technical aspects of the Memorandum, through which both parties intend to encourage and support direct cooperation through the implementation of joint projects and measures. The priority objectives of the document consist in the exchange of information, analyses, studies and other materials regarding the prevention, detection, stopping, solving and investigation of criminal offences, as well as the exchange of best practices related to the investigation of crimes, the exchange of knowledge on the application of information technologies and other tools, used by each participant in the fight against criminal activities. 

To achieve these priorities, the institutions intend to create conditions for closer professional ties, by granting and organizing joint training activities, exchange of experts and specialists, organization of working meetings and other events, such as conferences and workshops, as well as exchange of information and knowledge through mutually agreed means of communication. 

The State Investigation Bureau of Ukraine is an institution, created in 2016, which aims to combat corruption crimes committed by high-ranking officials, including the president of the country, parliament, government, ministers, deputies, etc., including officials of National Anti-corruption Bureau (NABU). The SBI also investigates war crimes.


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