Lawyer, investigated by the GTD North of the NAC and anti-corruption prosecutors, sentenced to 3 years in prison for influence peddling
27.02.2023 122 Views  

The criminal prosecution on behalf of the lawyer was started by the officers of the General Territorial Directorate North of the NAC and the prosecutors of the Northern Office of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, in October 2021.

On February 24, 2023, the Drochia Court pronounced the sentence in a criminal case referred to justice by the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, which concerns the actions of the lawyer, who claimed and received money to influence prosecutors and judges in a criminal case.

The criminal investigation was started in October 2021 following the complaint regarding the claim of the amount of 1000 euros and the support by the lawyer of the influence on the judge of the Drochia Court, Glodeni headquarters to induce him to apply the more convenient preventive measure in the form of house arrest instead of preventive detention.

Also, the lawyer claimed 5,000 euros claiming that he has influence over the prosecutor from the Glodeni Prosecutor's Office who would support the state prosecution in the case of the whistleblower, who was the same client mentioned above, and over the judge of the Drochia Court, Glodeni headquarters, in the procedure of the examination of which would be assigned the cause of his accusation, to induce the prosecutor to request a sentence with conditional suspension, and to induce the judge to pronounce, as a result of the judicial examination of the criminal case, sentencing with conditional suspension of the execution. From the alleged amount, he received 3000 euros, stipulating that the rest of the money in the amount of 2000 euros be transferred to him after the expiry of the deadline for appealing the sentence.

The criminal prosecution in this criminal case lasted 2 months, the defendant did not admit his guilt, and its trial lasted 1 year and 2 months.

By the sentence of February 24, 2023, the court found the defendant guilty of committing the offense provided for in art. 326 par.(1) of the Criminal Code (influence peddling) being sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 3 years in a semi-closed penitentiary and with the deprivation of the right to hold certain public positions or exercise a certain activity for a period of 4 years. The court applied the preventive measure to him in the form of preventive arrest, with the immediate taking of him under guard from the courtroom.

At the same time, the money in the amount of 4,000 euros, which was received illegally and intended for the lawyer's commission of the crime of influence peddling, was confiscated from the defendant with the forced and free transfer into the property of the state.

The sentence can be appealed to the Balti Court of Appeal within 15 days.

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