Director of the NAC, Iulian Rusu, at the meeting with international experts from Canada and the USA
07.03.2023 1988 Views  

The director of the National Anticorruption Center, Iulian Rusu, has met today with a group of international experts from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Border Services Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation for Romania and the Republic of Moldova, as well as representatives of the Embassy of Canada in Italy and the US Embassy in Chisinau, who are on a working visit to the Republic of Moldova. 

During the meeting, the director of the NAC made a broad presentation of the Center's activities, highlighting the importance and role of the institution in preventing and fighting corruption. Also, Iulian Rusu mentioned about the progress made by the NAC officers in investigating cases of grand corruption, cases known as laundromat, bank fraud, illegal financing of the "Sor" party. "The NAC is working on improving its capabilities and is interested in sharing experience and learning from similar authorities, focusing on IT forensic expertise and construction forensic expertise", I. Rusu pointed out. 

At the end of the meeting, the international experts expressed their openness to collaborate, in the areas of responsibility, to develop mutual cooperative relations and to exchange experiences in several subjects, such as financial analysis, behavioral analysis and cyber analysis. The experts came up with the initiative to organize a series of trainings for the NAC officers during this year.

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