CARA seized assets of the accused in the Chisinau Airport concession file in the amount of about 29 million lei
09.03.2023 474 Views  

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office completed the criminal investigation on another segment of the investigation concerning the concession of the state-owned Chisinau International Airport. The object of the investigation includes the illegal actions of public persons at the concession of the Chisinau International Airport, which caused damages to the state in the amount of 392,105,823 lei.

In the criminal case, they were accused of committing the crime of abuse provided for by art. 327 para. (3) from the Criminal Code (abuse of office), 8 public persons, with positions of public dignity, namely: a former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, a former Minister of Economy, a former director of the Public Property Agency, a former deputy director of the Public Property Agency, a former deputy head of the Department within the Public Property Agency, a former acting general director of the state-owned Chisinau International Airport, a former financial director of the state-owned Chisinau International Airport, head of the economic analysis service of the state-owned Chisinau International Airport.

 To recover the damages caused, the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office together with the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA), under the NAC, applied seizure on the assets of the accused in the amount of 28,720,729.91 lei.


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