Over 2,5 million lei and 50,000 euros, seized during searches in the case of Illegal financing of PP Șor
09.03.2023 2873 Views  

On March 9, 2023, the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office together with the National Anticorruption Center and the Information and Security Service conducted several searches in the case of illegal financing of the Political Party "Şor" by an organized criminal group.

The searches were carried out in the cars of the so-called "couriers" of the party, responsible for receiving and transporting illegal money, to the presidents and vice-presidents of territorial offices, who in turn would pay for the transport and remunerate the people who come to the protests organized by the party .

As a result of the searches, 3 people were detained, in the cars of which several sums of money distributed in bags and envelopes in national and foreign currency were found in particularly large proportions, amounting to over 50,000 euros and over 2,500,000 lei, but also the lists with the contact details of the people who were supposed to receive the money.

We emphasize that one of the persons involved in the reception and transportation of money, against whom the Chisinau Court (Ciocana headquarters) on February 20, 2023, applied the preventive measure alternative to arrest (provisional release under judicial control), was repeatedly fixed in the reception activity and transporting money.

We reiterate that the criminal investigation in that case is at the stage of finishing the criminal investigation and sending the criminal case regarding some people to the court.

Note: A person accused of committing a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a final court decision.

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