UPDATE: Additional seizures worth over 1 million lei in the case named "Purchase of Passport Application Forms"
13.03.2023 582 Views  

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office informs that it continues to carry out actions aimed at multilaterally documenting all the harmful actions committed by public figures and business persons in the criminal case generically named "Purchase of Passport Application Forms".

Thus, recently the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office jointly with the CARA, to recover the damage caused by the crime, applied additional seizures on assets belonging to the extras worth over 1 million lei.

We remind that, within the same file, the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office applied seizures worth over 86 million lei.

The actions of the Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office and the bodies involved in the documentation of this crime will continue to hold liable all the people involved, as well as restitution of the material damage caused as a result of the committed crimes.

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