A man from Căușeni, investigated by the NAC for influence peddling, was referred to justice
13.05.2023 2248 Views  

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, Northern Office, has announced the completion of the criminal investigation and referral to the court for examination on the merits, of the criminal case accusing a man from Căușeni district, being charged with the crime of influence peddling (art. 326 para. (3) letter a) of the Criminal Code).

The criminal investigation was started in August 2022, by the General Territorial Directorate North of the National Anticorruption Center and was implemented based on two denunciations by natural persons.

As a result of the criminal prosecution and the special investigative measures carried out on the respective criminal case, it was established that, in the summer of 2022, the accused claimed and received from two ladies from the Drochia district money in the total amount of 20,000 euros, equivalent to the amount of 408,084 lei, to influence the criminal investigation officers from the Drochia Police Inspectorate and the prosecutors from the Drochia District Prosecutor's Office. They had, in the procedure of exercising and respectively leading the criminal investigation, criminal cases of accusing the sons of the respective ladies, of committing crimes - threatening to kill or seriously injure bodily integrity or health, kidnapping a person and hooliganism.

In exchange for the money, the accused claimed that he could induce the prosecutors and officers to adopt favorable decisions on the mentioned criminal cases, manifested by removing the persons from criminal prosecution, with the subsequent classification of the criminal case.

Despite the influence promised by the accused, the prosecutors of the Drochia district prosecutor's office completed the criminal investigation of the administrative criminal case and referred it to the court for examination on the merits, where it is currently pending before the judges of the Drochia Court.

Currently, the accused is under house arrest, he did not cooperate with the investigative bodies and he does not admit guilt in committing the crime, and the criminal case was sent for substantive examination in the Chisinau District Court, Buiucani headquarters.

For the crime committed, the law provides for the punishment in the form of a fine ranging from 200,000 to 300,000 lei or imprisonment from 3 to 8 years.

Note: A person accused of committing a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a final court decision.


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