A customs broker, investigated by the NAC for active corruption, found out its verdict
16.05.2023 2304 Views  

On May 11, 2023, the Chisinau Court, Buiucani seat, pronounced the sentence in a criminal case referred to justice by the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, which concerns the actions of a customs broker, accused of active corruption (art. 325 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code).

The criminal case was started in November 2022, by the National Anticorruption Center based on a whistleblowing.

According to the materials, the customs broker, acting in the interest of an economic agent who presented himself at the Central Customs Office with surplus goods from Turkey, in order to expedite the granting of customs clearance, offered the head of the internal customs post "Industrials 1" the sum of 5,000 US dollars , the last notifying the NAC. The money being transmitted under the control of NAC officers.

The criminal investigation in this case lasted 3 months, the defendant admitted his guilt, and the trial of the case lasted 4 months.

By sentence of May 11, 2023, the court found the defendant guilty of committing active corruption, imposing a one-year prison sentence in a semi-closed penitentiary with a fine of 75,000 lei. Execution of the sentence being conditionally suspended for a probationary period of 1 year.

At the same time, it was ordered that the monetary means in the amount of 5,000 US dollars, upon the entry into force of the sentence, will be transmitted free of charge for the benefit of the state.

The sentence can be appealed to the Chisinau Court of Appeal within 15 days.


Note: A person accused of committing a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a final court decision.


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