30 young people, future lawyers, met with the director of the NAC, during a study visit to the National Anticorruption Center
23.05.2023 841 Views  

Thirty students from the Faculty of Law of the Moldova State University and the International Free University of Moldova made a study visit to the NAC, during which they had the first discussion with the director of the National Anticorruption Center, Iulian Rusu. The head of the NAC informed the future lawyers about the activity carried out by the institution in the field of preventing and combating corruption and urged them to strengthen their capacities to become part of the Anticorruption Center team.

"The NAC has an important role in the legal system and is part of the 4 pillars on which the system of justice is supported. In its investigation and prosecution activity, the NAC teams up both with prosecutors and with representatives of other authorities, a fact that results in the completion of important investigations and the unraveling of cases of systemic and high-level corruption", said Iulian Rusu. According to the NAC director, recently it has been possible to build effective cooperation with many countries of the European Union and with other partners from abroad. "A good part of the institution's results, especially on the criminal asset investigation component, is due to the support we have from our colleagues abroad", emphasized Iulian Rusu.

The director of the NAC urged the young people to be consistent in the specialty they have chosen, to strengthen their academic results in order to be able to apply for a position within the National Anticorruption Center. "We have vacant positions in several subdivisions, which carry out combating, analytical, anti-corruption expertise or anti-corruption education activities. We are looking for new staff and are open to attracting as many young people as possible to the team. You can be among the potential officers of the NAC, so I encourage you to complete your studies and apply for a position in our institution," said Iulian Rusu.

The students also took a tour of the institution, visiting the Guard Unit of the NAC – the subdivision responsible including for communication with citizens, through the National Anticorruption Hotline, but also the Detention Center – a unit within the NAC where people are detained for 72 of hours, or those regarding which criminal prosecution actions are carried out that do not suffer postponement. The young people also got to know the officers from the specialized subdivision of the NAC, which is trained in detention, escort and prosecution operations. The officers showed them their equipment and talked about their daily schedule, which involves many activities, not least a special physical training program.

The study visit was organized at the request of the NAC’s  anti-corruption volunteers, who are also the institution's messengers in campaigns of promoting integrity and cultivating integrity among young people.

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