About 800 people were instructed by the AED of the NAC in districts Telenesti, Hincesti and Calarasi, this week
16.06.2023 752 Views  

About 800 people were instructed by the Anticorruption Education Directorate of the NAC in districts Telenesti, Hincesti and Calarasi, this week, within information and awareness raising campaigns "For Safety We Build with Integrity", carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, "Integrity: Credibility in the Educational System" jointly with the Ministry of Education and Research (MER), but also "Integrity for Health", carried out in partnership with the National Medical Insurance Company, the Swiss Red Cross, the "HOMECARE" and "CASMED" public associations.

In the framework of information and awareness raising campaigns, the anticorruption officers addressed the measures of ensuring institutional and professional integrity, the responsibilities of managers aimed at applying integrity rigors and criminal liability for the lack of integrity.

Also, the employees of the SRL Chisinau-GAZ were familiarized with the measures of ensuring integrity in the private sector in relations with the public sector, with the integrity rigors regarding policy of gifts, conflicts of interest, compliance with the restrictions established for former public agents, business ethics, managerial, internal control system, business transparency in the private sector and liability for corruption acts.

We remind, that the activities carried out by the NAC officers on the corruption prevention components are oriented towards cultivating and consolidating institutional integrity climate, by promoting anti-corruption and integrity policies. 

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