Criminal case regarding Marina Tauber and the Political Party Sor sent to court
20.06.2023 1960 Views  

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office has announced that the criminal case regarding Marina Tauber and the legal entity, the Political Party Sor, will be sent to the court for examination, accused of four charges for falsifying reports on the financing of the electoral campaign and the political party and accepting illegal financing from an organized criminal group (art. 30, 42 para. (2), 45, 1812 para. (1); art. 30, 42 para. (3), 45, 1812 para. (5) ; art. 42 para. (2), 45, 1812 para. (1) and art. 30, 42 para. (3), 45, 1812 para. (5) of the Criminal Code).

The criminal investigation was started in January 2022, based on the notification of the National Investigation Inspectorate and the Central Electoral Commission.

According to the evidence administered by the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office jointly with the National Anticorruption Center and the Information and Security Service, it was found out that, Marina Tauber, participating as a candidate nominated by the Political Party Şor for the post of mayor of Balti municipality, in the election campaign of November 21, 2021, intentionally and in prior agreement with the party treasurer, acting in strict coordination with the organized criminal group led by Ilan Şor, received from the organized criminal group monetary means in the amount of 9,752,000 lei, of which the amount of 740,464.50 lei, which falsely were entered in the donation forms on behalf of 104 natural persons who in reality did not donate this amount of money, false data that was entered in the financial management reports of the electoral campaigns, by substituting, hiding the identity of the donors, the amount of funds accumulated and used, and later personally signed the reports and registered them with the Central Electoral Commission.

She also knowingly accepted the financing of the electoral competitor from an organized criminal group, during the new local elections for the position of mayor of Balti municipality on November 21, 2021, in the amount of 9,752,000 lei.

Also, Tauber Marina, as the author, intentionally falsified the report on the financial management of political parties with the intention of substituting, hiding the identity of the donors, the amount of funds accumulated, the destination and the amount of funds used, as well as the use of some funds undeclared, non-compliant, coming from abroad, committed in large proportions.

At the same time, Marina Tauber is also accused of knowingly accepting the financing of the political party, from the organized criminal group led by Ilan Şor, in the total amount of 195,518 013 lei, illicit financial sources that were integrated into the activity and maintenance of the party, to promote and realize the interests of the organized criminal group in the political arena of the Republic of Moldova, to seize power in the state.

Thus, out of the total amount of 195 518 013 lei, approximately 8.5 million lei were transferred under the control of the criminal prosecution body, and approximately 9 million lei were detected and recovered during the searches.

The accused did not admit the facts committed, and the criminal case in 67 volumes, together with the indictment on 348 pages, was sent for substantive examination to the Chisinau Court, Buiucani headquarters.

For the crime committed, the law provides for the punishment in the form of a fine ranging from 57,500 to 92,500 lei or imprisonment from 2 to 7 years, in both cases with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to exercise certain activities on a term from 2 to 5 years, and the legal person is punished with a fine from 250,000 to 450,000 lei with the deprivation of the right to exercise a certain activity or with the liquidation of the legal person.

At the moment, the defendant Marina Tauber is under the preventive measure - house arrest, until June 30, 2023.

Note: A person accused of committing a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a final court decision.

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