Four border police officers are under criminal investigation for allegedly misappropriating part of the money, picked up during a search. One of them was detained
27.06.2023 374 Views  

The officers of the General Territorial Directorate North (GTD) of the NAC and the prosecutors of the Northern Office of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office are investigating the case of four border policemen, who are suspected of abuse of office. Several searches were carried out this morning at their homes and offices, and one of them was detained for 72 hours.

According to the case materials, in May 2023, four employees of the General Inspectorate of the Border Police (GIBP) were investigating the case on the organization of illegal migration of citizens from Ukraine, and one of the suspects was searched. The amount of 267,640 lei was found at the suspect’s residence. However, in the course of the criminal investigation, the police would have indicated in the report 187,640 lei, or 80 thousand lei less. From the whistleblower's statement, it appears that that amount was appropriated by one of the police officers who would later share it with his colleagues.

Following the searches, carried out today at the homes of the suspects, the officers of the GTD North of the NAC and the anti-corruption prosecutors picked up draft documents, 12,000 lei and 5 mobile phones. Three GIBP employees are currently being investigated at large, and an investigating officer has been detained for 72 hours and placed in Detention Center.

The General Inspectorate of the Border Police provided operative support to the officers of the GTD North, and the Northern Office of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office is conducting the criminal investigation.

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