A department head from the Florești District Council, investigated for the abuse of office when concluding procurement contracts of over 600 thousand lei
05.07.2023 246 Views  

The head of the Constructions, Communal Household and Roads Department of the Florești District Council is being criminally investigated for the abuse of office by the officers of the General Territorial Directorate North (GTD) of the NAC and the anti-corruption prosecutors of the Northern Office of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (AP). The official is suspected of favoring some economic agents who concluded contracts for the provision of road repair services with the Florești District Council. At this time, searches are taking place at his residences and at the office of the accountant of the economic agents who won the mentioned tenders.

The criminal prosecution of the case began on the basis of the reasonable suspicion that, during the years 2021-2022, decision-makers of the Florești District Council together with the head of the Construction, Communal Household and Roads Department of the Florești District Council would have concluded contracts regarding the performance of construction works. maintenance and repair of local roads in Florești district with two LTDs. Although the contracts were signed and the amount of 614,868 lei was paid, there is a reasonable suspicion that the works were not executed. According to the materials accumulated during the investigation, it was established that the two economic agents were managed from the shadows by the official of the Council through intermediaries, and during the years 2020-2022 they benefited from contracts concluded with the Floreşti District Council in a total amount of 11 925 303 lei.

In order to administer all the evidence and carry out the criminal investigation in all aspects, the investigating judge authorized four searches at the residence and office of the head of section of the Florești District Council and at the residence and office of the accountant who manages the financial activity of the companies concerned. As a result of the criminal investigation, electronic media with the documentation and tax invoices of the two companies were taken from the official's residence.

At this stage, all persons are being investigated at large, and the case investigations are ongoing.

The Northern Office of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office is conducting the criminal investigation.

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