Around 250 public agents were instructed by the NAC at Chișinău and Șoldănești
14.07.2023 2308 Views  

About 250 officials were instructed by the Anticorruption Education Directorate of the NAC at Chișinău and Șoldănești, this week. The training sessions were held within information and awareness raising campaigns "Integrity for Health", carried out in partnership with the National Medical Insurance Company, the Swiss Red Cross, the "HOMECARE" and "CASMED" public associations, but also "For Safety We Build with Integrity", carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development.

The participants in the meetings are the managers from the construction departments, communal households and roads, land relations and cadastre sections within PAS, construction companies, mayors, vice mayors, family doctors and medical assistants.

In the framework of information and awareness raising campaigns, the anticorruption officers addressed the measures of ensuring institutional and professional integrity, the responsibilities of managers aimed at applying integrity rigors and criminal liability for the lack of integrity.

Also, the training of the public agents of the penitentiary administration system was ensured within the continuous education course, provided by the Training Center of the NPA, as well as for the employees of ÎS Moldelectrica and the Auto Drivers Union.

We remind, that the activities carried out by the NAC officers on the corruption prevention components are oriented towards cultivating and consolidating institutional integrity climate, by promoting anti-corruption and integrity policies. 

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