Two department heads from the Ialoveni District Hospital, suspected of committing dozens of episodes of passive corruption
19.07.2023 666 Views  

Two department heads from the Ialoveni District Hospital were documented by the NAC and the anti-corruption prosecutors in a criminal case of passive corruption, in which they are suspected of receiving illicit financial means in dozens of episodes. It is about charging sums of money from patients that were not reflected in the institution's accounting.

In one case, one of the suspects is being investigated for claiming and systematically accepting undue means from patients to speed up the process of performing medical examinations, out of schedule. For these services, patients paid between 200 and 3600 lei per investigation.

From the materials collected in relation to another suspect, it appears that he systematically demanded and accepted bribes to expedite imaging and radiological investigations, the amounts not recorded in the institution's accounting varying between 150 and 550 lei per patient.

In order to strengthen the evidence, searches were authorized at the service offices, residences and cars of the suspects. As a result of the criminal investigation carried out, sums of money, in lei and different currencies, as well as some records relevant to the investigation, were seized.

Both people are being investigated at large.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office is conducting the criminal investigation.

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