Four job vacancies in NAC
06.02.2013 5177 Views  

National Anticorruption Centre announces about 4 job vacancies as follows:
1. head of Service for international cooperation and public relations
2. senior inspector of Section legislation and expertise
3. judicial expert of Section for legal expertise
4. senior specialist of Section for accounting, remuneration and retirement.
For more details about the requirements that must be met and the deadline for submitting applications can be found on, vacancies section.
NAC is to have 350 employees. So far, 336 people have been reappointed for different positions.
Centre for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption was reorganized into the National Anticorruption Center on October 1st, 2012, as a result NAC is under parliament’s control now.  Following the reform, the economic crime investigation have been transferred to other law enforcement agency.

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