NAC is expanding the anti-corruption volunteer team. 25 young people took the oath today
29.09.2023 2199 Views  

25 anti-corruption volunteers joined the volunteer team of the National Anticorruption Center and took the oath for the first time in front of the center's management, anti-corruption officers and colleagues in a solemn ceremony.

The director of the NAC, Iulian Rusu, came with a congratulatory message: "Today is an important day for all of us. Through the sworn oath, you have brought a strong commitment to prevent the scourge of corruption by promoting messages of integrity in training activities, designed as tools to promote integrity in all social spheres, especially in the educational environment and in youth communities. You have our support for carrying out the anti-corruption volunteering activities, carried out by the Anticorruption Education Directorate of the NAC, within the educational projects."

Janine Baudach, manager of the " Strengthening of the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova", GIZ Moldova project, said: "The German Government and the European Union, through our project, in partnership with anti-corruption institutions and civil society in Moldova, are actively contributing to raise awareness among citizens and civil society about the harmful effects of corruption as well as effective strategies to combat it. When youth actively engage in anti-corruption initiatives, they bring the ideals of democracy to life. I am confident that NAC anti-corruption volunteers will be at the forefront of this effort. Their efforts infuse energy and influence into all processes of the country, advocating for greater accountability and transparency. They become guardians of integrity, inspiring others to take a stand against corrupt practices."

Also, during the event, the new equipment and the logo of the NAC volunteers were presented, to improve visibility and promote their image. Later, the first anti-corruption training on the competencies of the National Anticorruption Center was organized. At the end of the meeting, the volunteers had the opportunity to test their knowledge in the Pro - Integrity Quiz, the winners being awarded with gifts.

The National Anticorruption Center has been accredited as a host institution for volunteer activities since 2016. Today, the group of anticorruption volunteers includes 74 people.

The activity was organized with the support of the Project "Strengthening of the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova", implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) with funding from the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ ).



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