A man from the north of the country was detained in flagrante delicto for attempting to bribe a police officer. The case was reported to the GTD North of the NAC
25.10.2023 243 Views  

A case of active corruption of a police officer of the National Investigation Inspectorate of the GPI was reported to the Territorial General Directorate North of the NAC, and as a result a person was detained for 72 hours. The complaint was filed on October 24 by an officer of the Northern Investigations Directorate who informed the NAC that a person, regarding whom they were examining material on the fact of committing the crime of drug trafficking, allegedly tried to offer the police officer 1000 euros for the favorable settlement to the case.

On the basis of the whistleblowing, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of active corruption, and the officers of the GTD North of the NAC and the prosecutors of the Balti Municipal Prosecutor's Office documented the transmission of the cash of 1000 euros, resulting in the arrest of the person in flagrante delicto.

Currently, the suspect is in the Detention Center, placed there for 72 hours.

The criminal investigation is conducted by the Balti Municipal Prosecutor's Office.

We note that every person who has been charged shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law.

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