The prosecutors finished the criminal investigation regarding a Member of Parliament and a district councilor from Ocnița, detained by the NAC red-handed with 30,000 dollars
02.11.2023 146 Views  

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office has informed about the termination of the criminal investigation regarding Irina Lozovan and her husband, Gîrleanu Pavel, accused of knowingly accepting the financing of the political party by an organized criminal group and complicity in the aforementioned crime (art. 42 para. (2) , art. 42 paragraph (5), art. 1812 paragraph (5) of the Criminal Code).

According to the administered evidence, the prosecutors found that, Irina Lozovan, being a Member of Parliament and a member of the Political Bureau of the "RENAȘTERE" Political Party, acting intentionally and by prior agreement with her husband and other persons not established at the time by the investigating body criminal, who are part of the leadership of the "RENAȘTERE" Party and who have the right to manage its financial sources, ignoring the rules that regulate the financing of political parties, knowingly accepted the financing of the "RENAȘTERE" Party, from the organized criminal group led by Ilan Şor.

Respectively, due to the fact that the "Sor" Political Party was declared unconstitutional by the Decision of the Constitutional Court of June 19, 2023, Ilan Şor, with the aim of maintaining control over some political, electoral and social processes in the Republic of Moldova, offered the member of the Political Bureau of To the "RENAȘTERE" Political Party, Lozovan Irina, financial means to identify as many mayors and local councilors as possible, to convince them to join the "RENAȘTERE" Political Party.

For the indicated purpose, the accused tried to recruit the mayor of Ocnița, promising him 1 million MDL personally and another 1 million MDL, allocated to the mayor's office to be used for the development of the infrastructure of Ocnița, in order to strengthen the electoral position of the "RENAȘTERE" Party.

Although the mayor of Ocnița refused the proposal, Irina Lozovan and her husband continued their persuasive actions, sending the former the sum of 30,000 US dollars, money collected by Irina Lozovan's husband, from the headquarters of the "RENAȘTERE" Political Party. which came from the organized criminal group, led by Ilan Şor.

On September 21, 2023, the Members of Parliament of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova approved the request of the interim Prosecutor General regarding the lifting of the immunity of Irina Lozovan, depriving her of parliamentary immunity.

At this stage, the materials of the criminal case should be presented to the accused and their lawyers, their requests and actions should be resolved, and then the criminal case should be sent to the court.

To be mentioned that, on October 18, 2023, the Chisinau Court, Ciocana headquarters extended the preventive measure of house arrest for a period of 30 days regarding Irina Lozovan.

Note: A person accused of committing a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a final court decision.

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