Refugee schoolchildren from Ukraine will be able to obtain graduation certificates in Moldova
03.11.2023 1187 Views  

The war in the neighboring country deprived hundreds of thousands of children of access to education, a right that lays the foundation for their future. Conducting online lessons according to the schedule in Ukraine and attending those taught in Moldovan institutions for the past two years, learning school subjects was not an easy task for them. Starting this year, refugee children in our country have the right to attend lessons, take exams and obtain certificates of graduation, just like other students from Moldova. According to the data of the Ministry of Education and Research, more than 2,000 Ukrainian children were enrolled in kindergartens, secondary schools and high schools.

Exercising one of their fundamental rights - that of education - half of the Ukrainian parents settled in our country chose to enroll their children in the schools and kindergartens near their place of residence, i.e. in Chisinau. After obtaining the status of temporary protection, through a simple application, they can request the free enrollment of the child in the educational system in our country. The law gives them the right to:

● attend educational institutions: refugee children can be enrolled in schools or kindergartens and can participate in regular school lessons and activities,

● benefit from educational support, having access to psycho-pedagogical assistance and counseling, but also to psycho-social assistance and rehabilitation activities,

● participate in extracurricular, non-formal activities and cultural-educational events, to develop their passions and interests.

"In the Republic of Moldova, the right to education is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Whether we are talking about children born in our country or refugee children from Ukraine, all these young people have the right to go to school safely, and their parents should participate in the educational process without being pressured or asked to pay undue sums. When we fight for our rights, we should not feel embarrassed for demanding that they be respected. Shame should be on those who violate these rights. Parents are often afraid to report such problems, worried about the potential consequences for their children. But our silence only allows corruption to thrive", believes Ala Revenco, co-founder of the „Părinți Solidari” organization.

Corruption phenomena, such as informal fees, payments for exams and gifts, are widespread especially in the country's big cities, and experts recommend reporting acts of corruption to the competent institutions.

How can an act of corruption in the field of education be reported? The National Anticorruption Center of the Republic of Moldova has the power to investigate and take legal measures against those involved in acts of corruption. You can call the NAC’s National Anticorruption Hotline: 080055555 or/and submit a whistleblowing directly to the NAC.

Being a refugee is not a choice, being corrupt is. Your child has the right to for education #Without_Bribes!

About the campaign

"You Have the Right to Live Safely #Without_Bribes" is a communication campaign dedicated to informing, preventing and fighting corruption among the community of refugees in our country from Ukraine and the population of the Republic of Moldova. The project is financed by the German Government, in partnership with the National Anticorruption Center.


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