NAC has documented a case of corruption of voters, which took place in Comrat
06.11.2023 1917 Views  

The National Anticorruption Center has documented the case of corruption of voters, detected by the Police on November 3, with the involvement of a 19-year-old young man, caught when he was distributing money to some people.

According to the complaint submitted by a resident of Comrat municipality, the young man allegedly distributed 50 euros to several people as a pension supplement from a political formation. The operative group of the GTD South went to the scene. 17 envelopes of 50 euros each and a list of people who were to receive the mentioned financial means were picked up.

Examining the collected lists, it was found that part of the money has already been distributed. The young man told the NAC officers that he was promised a payment of 100 euros for the service rendered.

The case is being investigated by the NAC under the aspect of committing the crime of corrupting voters.

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