The interim head doctor of the Balti Perinatological Center, detained by the NAC for passive corruption. He allegedly asked for 7,000 lei for assisting a birth
20.11.2023 407 Views  


The interim head doctor of the Bălți Perinatological Center was denounced to the General Territorial Directorate North of the NAC by a citizen who communicated that the employee of the Hospital had asked him for a bribe. According to the whistleblower, the head doctor would have claimed 7000 lei for providing quality medical services and ensuring an appropriately assisted birth for his wife.

On 19.11.2023, the employees of the GTD North of the NAC, together with the prosecutors of the Bălți Municipal Prosecutor's Office, arrested the head physician of the Bălți Perinatological Center within IMSP Bălți Clinical Hospital at the time of the transmission of the last installment of money in the amount of 5000 lei.

Currently, the suspect is in the Detention Center, being placed there for 72 hours.

We remind, that every person shall be presumed to be innocent until proven guilty according to law.


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