Teenagers from Ukraine, involved in fighting corruption in Moldova
21.11.2023 1696 Views  

The war robbed many Ukrainians of the joy of being with their family and living in peace, forcing more than 100,000 people to start a new life in the Republic of Moldova. Our country has become host to the largest number of Ukrainian refugees per capita – a community that, like the locals, can be affected and feel the impact of corruption.

Sofia Necitailo, a girl from the city of Odesa, is among the refugees who arrived in Chisinau. As a student in the 11th grade, Sofia was forced to leave her home, school, friends and father who remained to fight in Ukraine, finding refuge in her relatives' house. Although initially the adaptation was difficult for her, she managed to integrate, feeling safe here. Sofia is aware of how corruption affects everyday life, that's why she chose to be actively involved in solving the problem, becoming a volunteer in a program to fight and prevent corruption initiated by the National Anticorruption Center.

Sofia NECITAILO, volunteer at the National Anticorruption Center: "When I was studying at the "Mihail Koțubinski" high school, they told us about the NAC and the volunteer activity. They proposed us to write an application for enrollment in the program. I didn't think I would be chosen, but I received the confirmation by email. We gathered at the National Anticorruption Center. They told us about the center's activities, trained us and told us that we would go around schools to talk to other students about the negative impact of corruption. I had no idea it was such a widespread phenomenon. The NAC officers talked to us about corruption openly and I think this is a problem that young people have to fight with."

Corruption hinders innovation, reduces competitiveness, seriously affects the freedoms and rights that every person has, regardless of whether he/she is a citizen of this country or not. This is why Sofia found herself in this activity and wants to inform as many young people as possible about corruption and its effects, but also about the fact that refugees "have the right to live #without_bribes".

SOFIA NECITAILO, volunteer at the National Anticorruption Center: "Corruption slows down economic development and limits the possibilities of young people. Bribery is now very widespread, when young people want to enter college, for example. Some may buy the place against payment and others who have worked hard for the same place may be denied. It's not fair to those people who work hard."

Sofia has not directly encountered any case of corruption, because she has been informed and knows her rights. After obtaining the status of temporary protection, through a simple application, she applied, together with a parent, for free enrollment in the educational system in our country and was easily accepted in the educational institution. But she has heard of cases of corruption at customs, where Ukrainian men paid bribes to get out of the country, and she considers these practices unfair and unfair.

SOFIA NECITAILO, volunteer at the National Anticorruption Center: "It is very important to talk to students about corruption, so that they know that such a problem exists and that it is quite widespread. If the young man is well informed, then he does not remain indifferent. Information is an important process, and if we start fighting corruption, then we will plant some seeds, the fruits of which will be reaped by our children. A future without corruption means a peaceful and honest society. Honesty is a quality that I value very much and I think is important to both the authorities and the people of this country. If people are more honest with each other, we will have a better society. I believe that young people must fight for us and our children to live in an honest and fair state."

About the campaign

"You have the right to live #Without_Bribes! is a communication campaign dedicated to preventing and fighting corruption, by informing the community of refugees in our country from Ukraine, as well as the population of the Republic of Moldova. The campaign is carried out in partnership with the National Anticorruption Center, being financed by the German Government through GIZ Moldova.

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