What do refugees know about their rights in Moldova and what is their attitude towards corruption
27.11.2023 1315 Views  

More than 100 refugees from Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova participated in a community event, where they learned more about the rights they have in our country and which must not be compromised by corruption. The action is part of the " You have the right to live #Without_Bribes!" campaign, implemented by GIZ Moldova in partnership with the National Anticorruption Center, with the aim of countering and preventing acts of corruption in Moldova. During the meeting, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions, participate in discussions and learn about the institutions they can turn to if they are faced with acts of corruption.

Ivan Gonciar is a young man originally from Ukraine, who has been in the Republic of Moldova for more than two years. He is currently a volunteer at "Moldova Pentru Pace", studies the Romanian language and continues to integrate into the community in our country. He is convinced that correct, constant information from reliable sources has positive effects on Ukrainian refugees who are in the Republic of Moldova.

Ivan Gonciar, refugee from Ukraine: "These events are very important, because this way we learn about our rights, what we have the right to do, but also what we should avoid, so as not to break the law. It is important to understand our rights because most of them do not know all the new information even now or they are afraid to take a certain step. For example, they face problems with temporary protection status. Many know about this form of protection but can't decide because they fear breaking the law and being here illegally for more than three months. Such events are very useful for them. It's already been a long time, and even if not everyone is here from the very beginning, I think that step by step we have to integrate at school, at work."

And Marina Cernetkaia came to our country with her two children. Currently, he participates in all information events dedicated to refugees in Ukraine, accumulates new information and passes it on to his compatriots, so that they are aware of all relevant news and do not encounter acts of corruption.

Marina Cernetkaia, refugee from Ukraine: "We don't have to fear anything. We have to move on. We have to study the market and the situation. We are not strangers here. Yes, we don't have certain rights, but really, rights depend on us. We have to understand what is right for us and what is not. We must not allow ourselves to be influenced by anyone. Each of us must clearly understand what his purpose is, where he is going and what he wants."

Watch the video and learn more about the community event "You have the right to live #Without_Bribes! "

About the campaign 

"You have the right to live #Without_Bribes!” is a communication campaign dedicated to preventing and fighting corruption, by informing the community of refugees in our country from Ukraine, as well as the population of the Republic of Moldova. The project is financed by the German Government, in partnership with the National Anticorruption Center. 

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