Summary of the week: Around 24 million lei seized by the CARA were transferred to the agency's treasury accounts
04.12.2023 492 Views  

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) has announced the seizure of 1 545 377 lei, within a delegation ordered by the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the NAC, and the freezing of two bank accounts with a total balance of 1 058 921 lei. Also, the CARA took over the administration of seized funds, in cash, in different currencies, the value of which is 935,028 lei. On the treasury accounts managed by the CARA, seized funds totaling 23,965,976 lei were deposited.

The CARA also drew up 5 advisory opinions regarding the evaluation of 9 immovable assets (2 lands for construction, 1 agricultural land, 3 individual houses, 3 accessory buildings), made 1 financial profile regarding 4 people with the aim of establishing the difference between incomes and expenses.

At the beginning of the reporting period, the CARA had in the procedure 86 delegations on 58 criminal cases regarding 123 subjects. During the week, 4 delegations were received on 2 criminal cases regarding 4 subjects, 3 analytical notes were made regarding 14 persons and 64 requests were sent to providers of relevant information and data.

Last week, the NAC carried out several activities on the component of combating and preventing corruption:

1. 12 judicial expertises were completed – 6 forensic and 6 IT;

2. 13 criminal cases were sent to the prosecutors with a proposal to send them to court;

3. 250 public officials were trained within organized anti-corruption activities and the contest "Health Integrity Promoter" was launched;

4. 4 operational analyses were completed;

5. Participation in 24 court hearings;

6. 44 calls were received to the National Anti-Corruption Hotline 0 800 55555;

7. 125 integrity records were issued;

8. 1505 materials were registered in the NAC chancellery;

9. There are 2 people in the Detention Center, another 8 people arrested in the NAC cases are held in Penitentiary 13 and Penitentiary 11.

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