Synthesis of NAC’s CARA: 43 assets worth over 2.3 million lei, seized last week
11.12.2023 1189 Views  

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) has announced the seizure of 43 assets worth 2 325 501 lei, in the framework of the delegations appointed by the Customs Service and the General Territorial Directorate of the South of the NAC. These include 2 means of transport, 5 housing constructions and one non-housing construction, 29 agricultural and 6 construction lands, seized in a case of smuggling and passive corruption.

Also, the CARA drew up 5 advisory opinions regarding the evaluation of 13 immovable assets (3 construction plots, 3 agricultural plots, 3 individual houses, 3 accessory constructions, 1 underground construction) and 1 movable asset (1 car), carried out 1 financial profile regarding 9 people with the purpose of establishing the difference between income and expenses.

At the beginning of the reporting period, the CARA had in the procedure 86 delegations on 58 criminal cases regarding 124 subjects. During the week, 2 delegations were received on a criminal case regarding 2 subjects, 2 delegations were made on 2 criminal cases, regarding 2 people, and 72 requests were sent to providers of relevant information and data.

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