NAC - partner of a new anti-corruption campaign " Through FILM we project INTEGRITY ", within which screenings of the film VARVARA are organized
18.12.2023 363 Views  

About 500 people participated in the launch of a new anti-corruption information and awareness raising campaign with the slogan "Through FILM we project INTEGRITY", which took place on Sunday in Căușeni. The public watched the film "VARVARA", but not before participating in a training, organized by the officers of the National Anticorruption Center, during which they talked about the measures to ensure integrity in the public sector, the prevention of corruption, the conflict of interests, and other relevant topics.

The purpose of this campaign, to which the NAC joined, is to cultivate the culture of integrity not only in public institutions, but also in society. Promoting intolerance of corruption through art is among the new approaches in anti-corruption education. Previously, the NAC was part of a project, which resulted in the creation of an animated film, "The Story of the Envelopes", written by Mrs. Leontina Vatamanu. Also, the show "The Choice of Mr. Makabeț" is part of an anti-corruption campaign of the NAC, "The Art of Remaining Honest", carried out during this year jointly with the Mihai Eminescu Theatre. At the same time, the officers of the Anticorruption Education Directorate, together with the NAC volunteering team, promoted the Kapushon performer's song "If You Gave, If You Took" in the framework of the "A Lesson of Integrity from Kapushon" campaign for young people.

We specify that, according to the campaign program, the following screenings of the film VARVARA will be organized in Leova (December 21, 2023, 6:00 p.m.), Fălești (January 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m.) and Edineț (January 25, 2024, 6:00 p.m.): 00). They are open to spectators, being part of a Caravan of Brave Films, supported by the USAID partners.

The film "VARVARA" is the story of an honest man who fights corruption at work - a film about what it's like to be a white crow in a world where conformity prevails and the price you have to pay to keep yourself clear conscience.

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