NAC director, Alexandr Pînzari, had a meeting today with the US Ambassador, Kent D. Logsdon
19.12.2023 412 Views  

The director of the National Anticorruption Center, Alexandr Pînzari, today received His Excellency the United States Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova Kent D. Logsdon.

During the meeting, the US Ambassador congratulated the head of the NAC on the occasion of his appointment and reiterated his readiness to support the efforts to prevent and fight corruption within the competence area of the National Anticorruption Center. His Excellency showed himself open to the continuation of the mutually beneficial collaboration between the institutions.

In turn, the director of the NAC thanked the head of the diplomatic mission for the continuous assistance provided to the Center and expressed his hope for the continuation of the relationship of trust and good understanding between the entities.

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