"High-level" arrests at the Police Inspectorate and State Guard Service of Leova
22.05.2013 3933 Views  

Three employees of the Police Inspectorate and State Security Service of Leova were detained by NAC officers. The Chief of Prosecution Department of Police Inspectorate, the head of "State Security" Enterprise of Leova and one of the last’s subordinate are being investigated for influence peddling.

They would have asked Euro 2500 under the pretext to influence the prosecutor and the investigating officer in a criminal case started on the denouncer. They promised to determine the investigators to close the criminal case. Money has been found after a search of one of the detained’s vehicle.

Currently,suspects are investigated at large. Thus, a criminal case was started by General Territorial Department “South” of NAC under art. 326 Criminal Code - influence peddling.

If foundguilty, individuals face up to six years of imprisonment.

We note that two of the suspects have been tried before.

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