Searches in the north of the country, operated by the NAC and prosecutors. Five police officers of the Northern Patrol Directorate, detained for passive corruption
06.02.2024 354 Views  

Five police officers of the Northern Patrol Directorate were detained shortly after following searches, carried out by the NAC under the procedural leadership of the prosecutors from the Balti Municipal Prosecution Office. They are suspected of claiming and receiving financial means from drivers in order not to document the violations of the road traffic regulations committed by them.

In fact, the criminal case was started on the basis of the reasonable suspicion that officers of the Rîșcani, Dondușeni and Drochia Patrol Service within the Northern Patrol Directorate of the National Public Security Inspectorate (NPSI) demanded and received money from a driver in order not to prosecute him on a criminal case. Later, as a result of the special investigative measures, 17 criminal cases were initiated on the basis of the reasonable suspicion that the offenses provided for by art. 324 Criminal Code - "passive corruption". Thus, it was documented the period of December 2023 - present in which the employees of the Northern Patrol Directorate allegedly claimed and received undue money or goods in amounts ranging between 200 lei and 1000 euros from people who violated road traffic regulations.

Today, the NAC officers, with the support of the NPSI and SPIA management, together with the prosecutors from the Balti Municipal Prosecutor's Office, conducted 17 searches in the official and personal cars of the NPSI employees, as well as at the homes of the people involved in committing the mentioned crimes. As a result of the criminal investigation, 5 suspects were detained.

Case investigations are ongoing. We remind that recently, another 6 NPSI policemen from the north of the country were detained by the NAC for claiming and receiving money from drivers. At the moment, they are placed in preventive detention.

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