Two former employees of the Technical Supervision Agency are being investigated by the NAC officers in a criminal case of forgery in public documents
08.02.2024 248 Views  

The NAC officers conducted searches, this morning, at the homes of two former employees of the Technical Supervision Agency (TSA) in a case in which the former officials are being investigated for falsifying public documents.

According to the researched facts, the TSA inspectors, acting in their personal, material interest, as well as in the interest of several economic agents, pursuing the purpose of registering with the Public Services Agency (TSA) some documents of final reception of residential blocks, would have applied to the reception documents final stamps with forgery marks of the institution, as well as stamps which, at that time, were out of use.

During today's searches, the NAC officers located and seized stamps, final receipt documents and electronic devices. At the same time, the concerned persons were summoned to the NAC headquarters for questioning as suspects.

Currently, other criminal prosecution actions are taking place, under the procedural direction of the Anticorruption Prosecution Office, to investigate the case in all aspects.

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