NAC synthesis: Five police officers - arrested for corruption, two former officials of TSA - investigated for forgery in public documents and assets worth 7 million lei - seized
12.02.2024 273 Views  

The National Anticorruption Center reports several activities, carried out last week on the anti-corruption component, as well as other actions from the spectrum of institutional attributions. Thus, five police officers of the Northern Patrol Directorate, detained on Tuesday by the NAC for passive corruption, manifested by claiming illicit financial means from drivers for not documenting violations of the Road Traffic Regulation, were placed in preventive detention for 30 days. Also, on Tuesday, the criminal case accusing two former employees of the Department of Penitentiary Institutions (DPI), initiated by the NAC for abuse of office, reached the court. On Thursday, the NAC officers raided the homes of two former employees of the Technical Supervision Agency (TSA) in a case where the former officials are being investigated for falsifying public documents.

We note that at the moment, one person is detained in the Detention Center, and 14 other people, arrested in the cases started by the NAC, are placed in penitentiaries. During the reference period, the criminal investigation officers proposed 5 criminal cases for prosecution, with a total of 513 cases in the process.

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC seized assets worth about 7 million lei, last week, based on the delegations of the National Police Investigation Inspectorate (NPI) and the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS). Among them are 2 residential buildings, a means of transport, 2 plots of land for construction, seized in a case of money laundering and the organization of illegal migration.

In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Department completed and handed over to the authors 14 anti-corruption expert reports and 10 opinions on draft normative acts, examined last week. During the mentioned period, 11 anti-corruption trainings were organized for 600 people. Also, 6 forensic expertises were completed. The NAC notifies the fulfilling of 5 operational analyses, the release of 136 integrity records, the reception of 44 calls to the National Anti-Corruption Hotline and 1505 materials registered in the Center's Chancellery.

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