NAC detained a person in a money laundering case, who is part of the group that allegedly disguised the assets resulting from the dispossession of 75% of state assets held in a factory in the north of the country
22.02.2024 206 Views  

Ten searches were carried out by the NAC officers on a criminal case on money laundering, resulting from the historical misappropriation of 75.11% of the Republic of Moldova's patrimony held within the joint-stock company "Mioara" in Balti municipality. One person from the group involved in the money laundering scheme was detained, interrogated and placed in solitary confinement.

According to the facts investigated by the NAC, under the leadership of the Chisinau Municipal Prosecutor's Office and the support of the Office for Prevention and Fight against Money Laundering (OPFML), a group of persons occupying various positions within the aforementioned joint-stock company, in which the state held 75.11%, constituted from a complex of production buildings and a land plot of 8 hectares located in the municipality of Balti, they organized the appropriation of this share package, later they carried out cross-transactions and concluded bad loans.

Although the facts of appropriation of the property of the state of the Republic of Moldova were ascertained by a final and irrevocable decision of the SCJ in 2016, the group of persons came into the ownership of real estate, part of which was alienated in exchange for approximately 80 million lei, of which was to benefit the state.

Following the procedural actions carried out in the morning of 22.02.2024, the NAC officers detained one of the basic extras who entered the property of the goods, objects and documents of interest to the criminal case being seized.


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