NAC synthesis: A customs officer detained in a corruption case, over 20 searches carried out and assets worth 3.2 million lei seized
26.02.2024 1266 Views  

The National Anticorruption Center has reported several activities, carried out last week on the anti-corruption component, as well as other actions from the spectrum of institutional attributions. Thus, a customs officer was detained for passive corruption, being suspected of claiming money for speeding up the customs clearance process of automobiles. At the same time, the NAC officers conducted 10 searches in the "S.A. Mioara", after which a person was detained. The week ended with searches in a public procurement fraud case, in which persons from the Electric Transport Authority in Chisinau and economic agents are targeted.

At the moment, one person is detained in the Detention Center, and 10 other people, arrested in the cases initiated by the NAC, are placed in penitentiaries. During the reference period, criminal investigation officers opened 19 criminal cases on corruption.

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC seized assets worth over 3.2 million lei, last week, based on the delegations of the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the NAC and the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. Among them are 2 residential and one non-residential premises, siezed in a case of fraud, money laundering and influence peddling. At the same time, 775 thousand lei, in different currencies, were taken over by the Agency.

In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Directorate completed and submitted to the authors 16 anti-corruption expert reports, examined last week. The NAC has notified the performance of a strategic analysis and 4 operational analyses, the release of 147 integrity records, the reception of 56 calls to the National Anti-Corruption Hotline and 1557 materials registered in the Center's Chancellery.


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