NAC and NAP has launched an anti-corruption campaign for employees of the penitentiary system
26.02.2024 1562 Views  

A new anti-corruption campaign was launched by the National Anticorruption Center (NAC) in partnership with the National Administration of Penitentiaries (NAP), which aims to train employees from the prison system in the Republic of Moldova. The activity involves the organization of 20 information sessions and is part of the NAC's priorities regarding the cultivation of intolerance towards the phenomenon of corruption and increasing the degree of institutional integrity among public officials.

After the lectures, there will be an evaluation of the knowledge gained by the penitentiary employees in the traditional Pro-Integrity Quizzes, and upon their completion, a championship between penitentiary institutions will be organized. The team that will place first, will receive the "Integrity Cup".

To be mentioned that the NAC organizes information campaigns for public agents from various state and private institutions. The purpose of these campaigns is to promote the culture of integrity among civil servants and business employees, the training being part of the NAC's program of activities on the anti-corruption education component.

At this stage, the Center simultaneously carries out several anti-corruption campaigns aimed at the educational system, health, construction, local public administration, etc. During the lectures, the audience is informed about the need to eradicate the phenomenon of corruption, to denounce acts of corruption and the obligation to ensure a climate of institutional integrity.

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