Four company administrators, detained by the NAC in a case of expropriation of the municipality of about 8 ha of land worth over 10 million lei
05.03.2024 409 Views  

Several searches were carried out, this morning, by the NAC officers and Chisinau municipal prosecutors, in a fraud case. Four alleged administrators of Moldovan companies were detained, being suspected of being involved in a scheme of embezzlement from Chisinau City Hall of 8 hectares of land in the Râșcani sector, Poșta Veche quarter (Podgorenilor Street), worth over 10 million lei.

According to the facts investigated, during the years 2013-2014, a group of people, who would have acted in complicity with officials from the Chisinau City Hall and OCT Cadastre, pursuing the goal of illegal acquisition of public property, used a false court decision, pronounced in 2013 by the Râșcani District Court, Chisinau municipality, which would have recognized the validity of sales-purchase contracts allegedly concluded between Chisinau Municipality City Hall and a company registered in an off-shore area, but also with other Moldovan companies. As a result of these contracts, the ownership right over the lands with a total area of 7.9 ha, previously transferred to the use of the Joint Stock Company "CZOM", later renamed SA SUCCIN, was fictitiously registered.

During the procedural actions carried out by the NAC officers in the morning of 03/05/2024 under the leadership of the Chisinau Municipal Prosecutor's Office, objects and documents relevant to the criminal case were seized, and the four persons suspected of committing the crime of complicity in fraud in particularly large proportions, to be placed in the NAC Detention Centre.

We remind you that any person is presumed to be innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is rendered.

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