A lawyer and two judges from the capital are being investigated by the NAC and AP for influence peddling and passive corruption
26.03.2024 443 Views  

A lawyer and two judges from the capital are being investigated by the NAC and AP for influence peddling and passive corruption. Following the investigations carried out by the NAC and prosecutors, it was established that the lawyer, representing the interests of a client, allegedly appealed to a magistrate in the capital to influence another judge, in whose management the case involving his client was pending, to induce him to adopt a favourable solution in regard to his client.

In order to examine the case objectively and under all aspects, to identify all the persons involved in the commission of the crime, but also to accumulate the evidentiary material for the criminal case, several searches were authorized and carried out.

At the moment, the lawyer and a judge are being heard by the anti-corruption prosecutors, and other people will be heard as well.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office is conducting the criminal investigation.

We remind that any person is presumed to be innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is rendered.

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