NAC synthesis: a former MP searched by the NAC, a lawyer detained and several actions targeting judges last week
01.04.2024 389 Views  

The National Anti-corruption Centre reports several activities, carried out last week on the anti-corruption component, as well as other actions from the spectrum of institutional attributions. Thus, on Monday, searches were carried out at a former Member of Parliament in the framework of two cases started on money laundering, illicit enrichment and false declarations. 400 thousand lei and 80 thousand euros were taken from the deputy's home. On Tuesday, a lawyer and two judges from Chisinau were searched in a case of influence and passive corruption. Following the investigations, it was established that the lawyer, representing the interests of a client, allegedly appealed to a magistrate in the capital to influence another judge, in whose management the case involving his client was pending, to induce him to adopt a favourable solution regarding his client. On Wednesday, 19 searches were carried out in 9 criminal cases, initiated for active corruption and influence peddling regarding lawyers, police officers and a former judge of the Supreme Court of Justice. The persons concerned allegedly accepted and received money in particularly large proportions from interested parties, intended to influence the judges of the Chisinau District Court and the Chisinau Court of Appeal, for the pronouncement of judgments or decisions favourable to the interested parties.

At the moment, 6 people, arrested in the cases initiated by the NAC, are placed in penitentiary institutions. During the reference period, prosecution officers initiated 31 new criminal cases and another 30 criminal cases were resolved.

Also, the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC announces previously applied seizures in the amount of about 600 thousand lei, confirmed by court orders on money laundering and fraud cases. At the same time, assets worth 200 thousand lei were seized in a case of influence peddling.

In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Directorate completed and delivered to the authors 17 expert reports and 19 opinions on draft normative acts, last week. The NAC notifies the performance of 4 operational analyses, the issuance of 99 integrity records, the reception of 71 calls to the National Anti-corruption Hotline and the registration of 1440 materials in the Centre’s Chancellery.

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