A man from Hîncești was caught red-handed by NAC officers, being suspected of claiming 2,400 euros for issuing two driving licenses
08.05.2024 488 Views  

The NAC officers detained, a short time ago, a man from Hîncești, suspected of influence peddling. The operation took place on the territory of the South Station in the capital, and the person will be placed in Detention Centre for 72 hours.

According to the case materials, the man allegedly demanded 1,200 euros from two people, claiming that he would have influence over some employees of the State Inspectorate for Technical Supervision "INTEHAGRO" and that he could force them to issue their driving licenses for the tractor.

To document the case, a criminal case was initiated under art. 326 of the Criminal Code - influence peddling, and today, following the arrest in flagrante delicto and the body search, monetary means in the amount of 1200 euros were taken from the suspect, transmitted under the NAC control.

Currently, criminal investigation actions are taking place under the procedural leadership of the Cahul Prosecutor's Office to elucidate all the circumstances. We specify that the person is not in the first violation of the law, being criminally investigated and convicted for committing various crimes.

We remind that any person shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to the law.

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