NAC synthesis: Three individuals, investigated in corruption cases and seizures applied to 14 types of cryptocurrency worth over 400 thousand lei
14.05.2024 286 Views  

The National Anti-corruption Centre has reported several activities, carried out last week on the anti-corruption component, as well as other actions from the spectrum of institutional attributions. A man from Hîncești was caught red-handed in a case of influence peddling, being suspected of claiming 2400 euros for perfecting two driving licenses for a tractor. He was detained for 72 hours. Also last week, two customs inspectors from the Cahul-Oancea Post of the South Customs Office were searched in a case of passive corruption. They would have systematically demanded between 100-500 euros from the transporters for customs clearance of the goods. To be mentioned that at the moment, 3 individuals, arrested in the cases initiated by the NAC, are placed in prisons. During the reference period, criminal investigation officers initiated 2 criminal cases and 3 criminal proceedings.

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC seized 2 means of transport worth about 300 thousand lei, last week, based on the delegations of the Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office (AP) and the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS). Another 122 thousand lei, previously seized, were confirmed by court decisions. At the same time, 14 types of cryptocurrency worth about 409 thousand lei were seized.

In the field of corruption prevention, the Legislation Directorate completed and handed over to the authors 11 expert reports and 7 opinions on draft normative acts, last week. Also, 3 forensic expertises were completed, and another 101 expertises are under the management of the specialized department. During the mentioned period, 4 anti-corruption trainings were organized for 105 people. The NAC notifies the initiation of 9 operational analyses, the release of 58 integrity records, the reception of 24 calls to the National Anti-corruption Hotline and the registration of 830 materials in the Centre's Chancellery.

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