Two residents of Chisinau were detained by NAC in a case of influence peddling with 8,000 euros
15.05.2024 591 Views  

Two individuals were detained, a short time ago, by the NAC officers and prosecutors, being suspected of influence peddling. They would have claimed to have influence over some decision-makers from several public authorities and would have demanded, accepted and received, in several instalments, 8000 euros for organizing and ensuring the delay of the examination of a criminal case sent to the court of first instance.

The case was started for drink driving, and the suspects allegedly promised that they could induce public figures to postpone the examination of the case until the expiration of the statute of limitations. Although, in the summer of 2023, the driver was declared guilty of committing the crime and deprived of the right to drive means of transport, the suspects claimed, accepted and received 6000 euros, and later another 2000 euros to influence public officials in order to regain the right to drive means of transport, within a limited period. In the fall of 2023, however, the hierarchically superior court upheld the sentence established by the trial court.

In the morning of 15.05.2024, the NAC officers carried out several searches at the homes of two suspects in the crime of influence peddling, following which objects and documents relevant to the criminal case were seized. Both people were detained for 72 hours, and will be placed in the NAC Detention Centre.

Investigations per case are carried out under the procedural leadership of the Chisinau Municipal Prosecutor's Office. We specify that any person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is rendered.

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