A customs officer from Tudora Customs Post, investigated by NAC for passive corruption. He allegedly demanded a bribe from a volunteer transporting refugees
17.05.2024 436 Views  

A customs inspector from the Tudora Customs Post is being investigated for passive corruption, having been reported to the NAC for systematically claiming illicit financial means from a volunteer who provided transport services for refugees from Ukraine. According to the facts investigated by the NAC, the customs officer would have claimed, accepted and received undue money not to undergo the detailed inspection procedure of the means of transport when crossing the state border.

In the morning of 17.05.2024, the NAC officers, under the leadership of the Chisinau Municipal Prosecutor's Office, searched the office of the customs officer, his means of transport and his residence, in order to accumulate evidence relevant to the investigation. At the moment, the suspect is being investigated while at liberty.

We remind that last week, two other customs inspectors from the Cahul-Oancea Post of the South Customs Office were reported to the National Anti-corruption Hotline of the NAC 0800 55555 for claiming illicit financial means in the process of customs clearance of import and export goods.

The criminal investigation is conducted under the procedural leadership of the Chisinau Municipal Prosecutor's Office.

We remind that every person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is rendered.

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