A former cadastral engineer from the Municipality of Elizaveta village in Balti municipality, detained by the NAC in an influence peddling case
23.05.2024 409 Views  

The NAC officers and prosecutors detained today a former cadastral engineer from the Municipality of Elizaveta village, Balti municipality, suspected of committing influence peddling on some public officials. According to the complaint, the ex-employee of the City Hall allegedly claimed and received undue financial means to facilitate the process of issuing some cadastral documents.

Thus, the suspect would have claimed, accepted and received 15,000 lei, and later another 500 euros, claiming that he has influence over the chief architect of Balti Municipality and that he can get him to approve several urban planning documents for legalization a construction. He would also have claimed that he would have influence over the mayor of Elizaveta village whom he could convince to speed up the approval of the set of documents without creating certain impediments to the development and issuance of the urban planning certificate and the building permit.

Today, following authorized searches, the person was detained, being placed in Detention Centre for 72 hours, and investigations into the case continue under the procedural leadership of the Balti Municipal Prosecution Office.

Every person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is issued.

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