NAC synthesis: 15 searches carried out in corruption cases and seizures of around 10 million lei, applied to assets in a money laundering case
27.05.2024 550 Views  

The National Anti-corruption Centre notes, for the past week, 15 searches, carried out in 3 criminal cases based on acts of corruption. Thus, six people, including 3 members of the Medical Commission of motor vehicle drivers from the city. Ialoveni, are suspected of systematically receiving financial means that do not belong to them in exchange for facilitating the issuance of medical certificates of vehicle drivers and candidates for obtaining a driving license without the latter being subjected to a medical examination.

In the same period, a former cadastral engineer from the Elizaveta Town Hall, Bălți municipality was detained, being suspected of committing influence peddling on some public officials. The ex-employee of the City Hall would have claimed and received financial means not due to him in order to facilitate the process of issuing some cadastral documents. The searches were carried out at the consultant of the Licensing Section of the National Agency for Energy Regulation. He is suspected of having acted in the interest of an economic agent to speed up the process of registering the primary documents for obtaining a license. During the reporting period, criminal prosecution officers opened 7 criminal cases, and 11 other cases were resolved.

The Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA) of the NAC has seized criminal assets worth approximately 10 million lei in a money laundering case managed by the Centre. Also, 1 million lei was deposited on NAC’s treasury accounts.

During the reporting period, the NAC officers examined 14 draft normative acts and issued 11 opinions to the authors. Also, 11 judicial expertises were carried out, of which 6 forensic, 4 IT and one in the real estate field. Five operational analyses were finalized and another 3 were initiated, with 97 operational and strategic analyses in the process. The Anti-corruption Education Directorate organized training for 900 public agents and a study visit for the students of the Ștefan cel Mare Academy of the MIA.

During the week, the NAC released 115 integrity records, 40 calls were received to the National Anti-corruption Line, and 1440 materials were registered in the Chancellery, including petitions from citizens.

At the moment, 4 people are placed in penitentiary institutions, arrested in the NAC cases.

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