The searches carried out by the NAC at a head of department and a narcologist at the Orhei Regional Hospital in a case of systemic corruption
27.05.2024 758 Views  

The offices of two employees of IMSP Spitalul Orhei District Hospital were searched today by the NAC officers and prosecutors as part of a corruption case. The head of the advisory section and a narcologist are being investigated in at least 15 episodes of systemic corruption, manifested by claiming and receiving undue financial means for the performance of their duties.

According to the accumulated evidence, the suspects would have intervened, against illegal sums ranging between 800 and 1500 lei, to speed up the process of issuing medical certificates of vehicle drivers and candidates for obtaining a driving license, as well as other types of medical certificates without the physical presence of the applicant.

The employees of IMSP Spitalul Orhei District Hospital were summoned to the NAC headquarters to be recognized and heard as suspects in the commission of the crime of passive corruption under aggravating circumstances, the management of the criminal investigation being ensured by the Chisinau Municipal Prosecution Office.

We specify that every person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is issued.

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