A man from the capital, caught red-handed by the NAC. He allegedly tried to settle a complaint filed with the police in exchange for 7,000 euros
28.05.2024 741 Views  

The officers of the National Anti-corruption Centre caught a man from Chisinau in the act of influence peddling. He was caught after receiving the sum of 7,000 euros, sent under the control of the NAC.

In fact, the person would have claimed that he has influence on some employees of the National Investigation Inspectorate and that he can induce them to resolve favourably a notification registered in the Record Register of other information regarding crimes and incidents. According to the whistle-blower, the suspect claimed, accepted and received 7,000 euros for allegedly influencing the police.

Following the actions taken by the NAC under the procedural direction of the Chisinau Municipal Prosecution Office, the person involved in the crime of influence peddling was detained for a period of 72 hours and will be placed in the NAC Detention Centre.

We specify that every person shall be presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is issued.

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